Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our mission & vision is supported by five strategic focus areas that set the ambition for E & E Groups. We want to be a leading global service provider, fulfilling the customer needs for customs clearance, freight forwarding, logistics services and all types of export import works, targeting extensive growth and being among the most profitable in our industry. This way, we are able to set the pace and direction of our own development while being an attractive business partner.

Growth statement

We actively pursue profitable growth balanced between a solid above market organic growth and an active acquisition approach guided by our market ambitions.

Customer focus statement

We offer our customers global and competitive services of a consistent high quality.

Business processes statement

Internal efficiency and standardization in our business processes are crucial in order to operate at low cost, enabling us to be competitive and deliver timely and high quality services to our customers.

Organisation statement

We as one company aim for the right balance between local, divisional and central tasks and responsibilities, while safeguarding the DNA of E and E Group and taking advantage of scale and technology.

Human Resources statement

We strive to motivate and increase the skills of our loyal and talented employees in line with the changing conditions for the business by offering relevant education, career development opportunities and being an attractive workplace for employees, supported by efficient tools and technology.